First my C Film I finished in June.
As well as some concept/story panels from my new film about gay cake toppers titled Toppers. Until I find a better freaking title. lol Suggestions are WELCOME! Anyway, I really want my film to LOOK like cake. So when you watch it I want to you leave feeling a craving for delicious pastries. Ergo I've decided to loosen up the style a bit. All line work not on a character shall be white or a varying shade. All color work will be fuzzy around the edges and always saturated. I want spongey cake feel and textures which means research. I expect to gain a bajillion pounds for this film lol. Film starts off rainy and blue and pumps it's way towards pink by the end. Because pink cake = AWESOME cake. I'm thinking of tones along these lines.... only more saturated. Internet ate the saturation in upload!
God I love that color!
As for my characters. I really would love to have them be bold black lines with one splash of color. Sorta like this animation I saw on cartoon brew for Sunblock once.
The Hero's would be his cape obviously and I think it'd look great to have color trailing after him in the action sequences. Still need to pick a color for him though. And it can't be purple because that's just too obvious. I was thinking yellow? Pops on both the blue and pink backgrounds I'll have. Plus softens his character up a bit. I dunno... I'm going to play with the hue slider in Photoshop for like a day before I decide haha.
As for my characters. I really would love to have them be bold black lines with one splash of color. Sorta like this animation I saw on cartoon brew for Sunblock once.

The Hero's would be his cape obviously and I think it'd look great to have color trailing after him in the action sequences. Still need to pick a color for him though. And it can't be purple because that's just too obvious. I was thinking yellow? Pops on both the blue and pink backgrounds I'll have. Plus softens his character up a bit. I dunno... I'm going to play with the hue slider in Photoshop for like a day before I decide haha.
Really need to work on finalizing characters this weekend too. So much to dooooo. Anyway onward to ART!

And I feel like sleeping now so that is all for today! :)